Alopecia Beard or Beard hair loss

Alopecia Beard or Beard hair loss

Alopecia Beard or Beard hair loss

Fungal diseases or dermatophyte are considered as inflectional diseases which are transmitted from infected animals or objects or plants to human. This infection spreads surfaces and middle layers of the skin. It causes creating the scaly lesions and redness circle plaques. Itching is usually occurred, pain and swelling can take place in hair follicle infection. Usually, alopecia or baldness spreads from the beard to the head or body.
Note: Some skin diseases like eczema (skin inflammation) can be similar to this disease.
For differential diagnosis, carrying the skin test and skin sampling is necessary to rule out other diseases.
Before doing test, it is better to avoid using the antifungal ointment, or washing with soap at the site of the infection for preventing false negative result. Because when the result is negative, treatment will not perform and the disease spread to the patient and the others.
Farmers due to involving with animals and athletes due to physical contact are more exposed to risk of alopecia Beard. Type of treatment is determined according to type of fungus and the site of infection by expert physician. Observing hygiene practices such as: avoid using others’ personal belongings (towel, razor, electric shaver) and avoiding swimming in contaminated water is very useful to prevent infection of this skin disease.
Hair loss treatment is done by shampoo, skin oral, topical, antifungal medicines. Treatment period should be complete to recovery ideally. In the case of incomplete treatment, the diseases will spread to the others. Once fully treated, the hair begins to grow again.

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