Questions about natural hair transplant

Questions about natural hair transplant

Questions about natural hair transplant

1. Is hair transplant causes strengthen the former fluffy hair?

Hair transplant is performed for patient’s baldness and it is logical to do this once that at least 40-50 percent of the hair in the area has been fallen, so that the person can enjoy the results.
It is natural that male hair loss is a continuous and permanent process, and there is no other way than minoxidil and finasteride to strengthen the individual’s hair associated with her genetics status and possible hair loss in the future.
Note: it should be noted if hair transplant is performed by people who are not qualified, there will be the risk of damage to existing hair and may causes to alopecia.

2. How long after hair transplant does hair out?

Normally, in any way the hair transplant is performed, 2-3 weeks after planting, the hair enters the resting phase and falls out. In this process, the hair root is healthy and alive, and only the stem will fall. Rejuvenation and regrowth of hair begins 3-4 months later and totally takes 6 months to grow completely.

3. What are the effects after hair transplant?

After hair transplant, there is a mild inflation in the forehead. It can be improved immediately by adjusting the half sitting position during sleep and cold compression for the first few nights.
a. Numbness and mild creepiness in Safe donor area (in the back of the head) is impermanent and sometimes takes few weeks.
b. Mild bleeding may occur in less than 0.5% of cases, which can be improved by cold compression, pressure bandage and keep on half sitting position.
c. The pain in the Safe donor area or Recipient site (front area of hair) often is mold and impermanent, furthermore resolved by using pain medications.
d. Itching is common; there is no problem to scratch the Safe donor area but scratching in Recipient site may damage to donor grafts and it is forbidden.
e. It is useful to wash the planting site regularly and moisturize it by using cold wash serum, betamethasone lotion and antihistamine.
f. Creating crusts may occur in a few days due to secretion of blood coagulant around the graft.
g. It is important to clean and wash the hair transplant area regularly for preventing creating crust.

How does displacing and removal the grafts after hair transplant?

  • a. Scratching
  • b. Impact
  • c. Sever brushing and combing
  • d. Too much bending when standing
  • e. Intense rubbing during washing

4. Is Minoxidil Solution Effective for hair planting?

The former hair in people, who have thin hair, may enter in the resting phase and fall out one month after surgery. This hair loss is natural and often is more significant for females. This situation may last for 4-6 months. This hair loss is uncomfortable but temporary and by ending the resting phase growth of the planting hair, the appearance of transplant area becomes normal.
Normally, supplement drugs like Minoxidil, finasteride and multivitamins is used to strengthen the hair, and using the drug in most of cases must be continued for a long time (sometimes lifetime).
Note: Patient should note that the strengthening their former hair (their hair before transplant) makes the hair more beautiful after transplanting. Moreover, the former thin hair will become thicker and stronger by using minoxidil, so that it makes the transplanting appearance look better.

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