Serious side effects of eyebrow tattoo

Serious side effects of eyebrow tattoo

Serious side effects of eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattoo causes serious side effects like creating flab or mass, spread of infections such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, herpes (fever blisters), changing the color of the skin and stimulating the most diseases which exists its background.

Part of tattoo’s loss

  • a. Breaking the skin’s defensive barrier
  • b. Creation of the skin sensitivity
  • c. Not to clear tattoo’s color
  • d. Dermatological problems
  • e. Skin infection
  • f. Blood problems and diseases

Breaking the skin’s defensive barrier

The skin is considered as the most important defensive barrier in our body. By doing eyebrow tattoo, this defensive barrier will be attacked by the germs and bacteria. This is because of influencing the needle’s contamination to body’s defensive barrier which causes transferring the microbial agents. Tattoo causes eyebrow cells inflammation and make it into graying beads shape and also violet color.

Creation of the skin sensitivity

Tattoo’s pigments especially red color may create skin sensitivity. In this case, the skin becomes red and itching.

Not to clear tattoo’s color

If tattoo is injected into the under layer of the skin, it will remain permanently and not possible to remove. But in the case of injection into the surface layers, gradually it is getting fade and removing.
Note: Although if carbon tattoo is used, it can be removed by laser, but if material is colored especially red, brown and yellow, due to iron compounds, there is not possible to remove them; even using laser the injection area remains dark forever.

Skin problems

Many tattoos colors just made of ink and causes creating skin severe skin complications. In addition, lesions are created around the injected area called granuloma which is full of macrophage cell (Phagocytes white blood cell).

Skin infection

Tattoo may cause a kind of bacterial infection.
How to appear infection symptoms in eyebrow tattoos
These infection symptoms include:

  • a. Redness
  • b. feeling warm or flush
  • c. infection and pus leaking

Note: If your tattoo artist does not use sterilized instruments, the possibility of these infections will increase and sometimes the patient has to apply ointment or Cortisone injection for the rest of life.
Blood problems and disease
If tattoos’ instruments are bloody causes dangerous and fatal diseases like HIVE/AIDs, hepatitis C. Also, Hepatitis B, tetanus and tuberculosis is spread in body in the same way.

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