Removing moles with RF device

Removing moles with RF device

Removing moles with RF device

What is mole?
Mole is one of the skin lesions that may appear on any individual's skin.
The time of the emergence of moles varies from one person to another, but often appears on the skin from childhood to the age of 30.
Contrary to individuals’ imagination, the moles are not unchanged, the mole may soon change color, or even deform, or hair grows on it.

The causes of the occurrence of the mole include:

  • A. Genetics
  • B. Environmental factors
  • C. Sex hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, especially in women

Mole removal with radio frequency or RF device

Radio frequency or RF device method can be applied appropriately. The features of this method are not to replace the scars and wounds.
After performing this method, the area around the removing area may become red. This redness disappears after 3 to 4 weeks.
Note: In cosmetic surgery, besides removing the mole, a part of the surrounding area is removed to ensure that it does not come back.
In the radio frequency method, there is also the possibility of recurrence, which is easily resolved by reusing the radio frequency treatment.

What is the differences between radio frequency method and laser method?

  • A. Radiofrequency method is a newer method than the laser method, and has more advantages to lasers.
  • B. In radio frequency, there are no side effects, unlike lasers.
  • C. Unlike lasers, radio frequency can be used for all people and types of skin colors.
  • D. The impact of the radio frequency against lasers is longer and more durable.

Advantages of the RF device method for removing moles

  • A. No need for a long period of convalescence "care and recovery"
  • B. No need for topical anesthesia and anesthetic drugs

For whom is not used the RF device method suitable?

  • A. Collagen vascular patients
  • B. Patients with severe heart disease
  • C. Severe diseases like cancer
  • D. Pregnant or lactating women
  • E. Those who have cardiac pacemakers or metal parts (implants) on the leg or thigh and so on.
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