How radio frequency waves works in RF fractional?

How radio frequency waves works in RF fractional?

How radio frequency waves works in RF fractional?

Stimulation and fluctuation high frequency in molecules and rotation in bipolar molecules causes stimulating the collagen generating fibers and their contraction and increasing the collagen formation and, as a result, skin firmness and youthfulness is occurred during the treatment period using radio frequency radio waves.
The production of new collagen and the replacement of the new base layer on the skin and increasing the blood circulation in capillary skin on the skin surface, for a maximum period of six months, will show the most part of its results.
The controlled and completely tolerable heat created by this new technology on the skin surface causes the formation of both Strengthening process and, in fact, skin rejuvenation.
Note: Physicians’ research has proven that using RF micro-needling device for skin rejuvenation is effective on all skin types, which will shrink and tighten all the layers of the skin.
RF micro-needling device is often used in areas around the eyes, forehead, cheeks, lips area and laugh lines, jowl and neck. By increasing the temperature between the skin tissues from 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, simultaneously with the movement of the nozzle (needle) on the surface of the skin, the temperature rises from the upper surface to the lower layers of the skin, and by increasing blood flow and temperature in the middle layers of the skin Without a burning sensation on the skin surface, the true function of this method will be displayed.
Note: The INFINI fractional laser device has nozzles (needle) made of gold, which, due to the high conductivity of this expensive metal, transferring the heat to the skin layers of patients with much greater ease than the same samples are done.

Note: The latest technology of skin rejuvenation:

Reducing wrinkles and improving skin dysfunction is one of the main concerns of patients in skin care clinics. RF waves have been used for many years as a remedy for wrinkles and firming wrinkles.
The basic problem with RF devices is their limited impact.

INFINI fractional laser advantages and functions

  • 1. Anti-wrinkle
  • 2. Lifting the skin
  • 3. Reducing skin open pores
  • 4. Decreasing the depth of depleted scars.
  • 5. Transparent of dark skin
  • 6. Decreasing the skin sebum
  • 7. Reducing axillary sweating
  • 8. Reducing active rash

INFINI fractional laser Applications:

  • A. skin rejuvenation (treatment of skin wrinkle, skin droopy and loosing)
  • B. Improve skin open pores and ...
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